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A taste of our tasting on Monday 20th: introducing the wines part 1
We have the line-up, wine-wise, for our Burgundy tasting next Monday 20th at 7pm at Zamora in Academy Street.
Until Monday, I'll be posting a wine a day or thereabouts, in the order that we'll be pouring, to whet your appetite – though the new and exciting food offerings that will accompany the wines must remain a secret till the night.
So, first up – a sparkling welcome and our only non-Burgundy wine of the evening, vintage cava from Mas Codina (link is to 2013 wine, but we'll be opening the 2010) in Penedès, poured from a 1.5 litre magnum bottle, which is said to be the optimum size for conditioning traditional method (a.k.a. Ch*mp*g*e method) wines to perfection.
It's a crisply structured, green-apple tasting marvel, and this 2010 will be beginning to show some more complex character: all in all, a very satisfying start to proceedings.
You can begin next Monday evening with a glass of this golden aperitif in your hand by ringing the restaurant on 021 239 0540 to book places at €49/head.