So here we are enjoying the fruits of our labours at the charity tag-rugby event that warmed up a number of Irish wine folk the day before the annual Wine Australia tasting. As you can see, we won a cup. There were other cups, more ostentatiously proportioned it must be said, that we might have won if we'd had a mind to.
Muscle, youthful vigour and the feminine touch were lent, in roughly that order, to the Bubble crew by visitors from our Australian suppliers Rathbone Wine Group; the son, with his friends, of a leading light of Irish wine journalism; and a member of the Wine Australia team, poached to order because, as far as the Rules are concerned, a team with no ladies is no team at all.
We had a lot of fun before, during and after.
I ought to write a serious post about the extraordinary efforts of Wine Australia and its man in Ireland, John McDonnell. I will try.