Cassandra reveals the future of Malbec
Tomorrow's Blackrock Castle wine club session will be investigating a selection of wines made from Malbec in both Argentina and France.
Although we'll be showing off wines from the Loire Valley too, the focus of attention France-wise will be on the Malbecs of the south-western AOC Cahors that we buy from Clos Triguedina, the estate run with no little pride by Jean-Luc Baldès.
We're most particularly delighted to welcome as guest speaker Triguedina's export manager Cassandra Harmon, who is doing her bit for the marketing assault that French Malbec is making on the world beyond France.
Cassandra, as well as Lar Veale of and the present writer have contributed our two penn'orths, as audio interviews, to the comprehensive French Malbec website, where you'll encounter a good deal of information and be largely encouraged about the possibility of interesting French wines' finding a wider audience through up-to-date means of advertising.
If you're thinking of leading the charge to the wine club meeting, I'm afraid we've sold out again; but there are plenty of great Malbecs available for further research at Bubble Brothers and elsewhere.
Cassandra's seen the future, and it's Malbec-shaped. You'd do well to believe her.