Curry 2.0: The Winning Pitch

Here is the winning pitch from Monday's pitch-to-a-chef competition. James Kennedy of SmartNote (TM) got the cherry on the cake with the following sell:

Video thumbnail. Click to play Click To Play

Also on YouTube here.

And here's Alan O'Rourke of Spoiltchild. And here's Robert Loch of Internet People. And here's Qamir Hussain of QHC Consulting (the Punjabi bit). And here's Derek Organ of 1time. And here's Paul Walsh of Segala announcing the winner. Here's Chris Smith of Stormhoek, who sponsored the wine. And here's Tom Raftery talking about CIX. And here's Conor O'Neill of LouderVoice. And here's Joe Drumgoole of PutPlace. And here's Dan Stevenson of Microsoft. And here's Max Kelly of the Tribune. And here is a clip featuring no-one in particular, with Stormhoek bottles.