Fat Wines for Lean Times
There are general trends in wine, as in everything else. I seem to recall that, in a depression, hemlines and necklines have been found to do something or other; and then the opposite, when the economy improves. Since we all slouch about in plastic shoes and elasticated polyester these days, that particular gauge is no longer reliable.
In 2007 we sold a lot more Pinot Grigio than anything else. In 2008, there wasn't really a single favourite, but I do think people are insulating themselves against the economic cold with white wines that have a little more meat on their bones, are built for comfort, not for speed, &c. Employees are having to temper their personal astringency in case it promotes them on the list for the chop, and if chops are on the menu, then the fat wine beats the acid drop every time. I'm not aware of a similar evolution in preferences for reds.