August wine tasting at Bubble Brothers - a Spanish selection
We held a tasting of Spanish wines on Wednesday at our Marina premises, where the parking is free'n'easy and where we're beginning to fit out our shop with the Wintower wine racking - for which we are Irish agents - that has proved so useful and convenient in our English Market shop in the centre of Cork.
A good deal of scurrying about to get the place clean and tidy drew to a halt as the first of about forty guests arrived, and before too long the Bubble Brothers team was in the thick of introducing a dozen wines, in a variety of styles, from all around the Spanish part of the Iberian peninsula.
I'm putting this post up to record the event, which was variously a pleasure and a success in many ways - but I'll leave any further observations to other commentators.
Brian Clayton has put up his thoughts (and, again, very usefully and selflessly, his tasting notes from the night) here.
Elke O'Mahony of Cork's Dine and Wine Club posted a review of wines and event alike - with pictures! - almost before the words Haven't Ye Got Homes to Go To? were out of my mouth.
You should make sure you keep track of what Paul Kiernan writes, too - not just because of his review of Wednesday's proceedings, either. He puts his words together with style.
If you'd like more than an online recap of the wines we opened on Wednesday, here is the mixed case we offered, now available from our website - and for the duration (if you're quick) you can buy it at the offer price and get free delivery.
Our September tasting will introduce a selection of wines from Australia and give us a very strong, and as usual, exclusive, representation from different regions of the land Down Under. We're very excited about bringing in a number of new lines all at once like this, and the more so because it seems likely we'll have a visiting winemaker on hand to give you some relief from my own style of stand-up.
As soon as we've confirmed time, place and price (several of you thought we were undervaluing ourselves at a tenner per person, and the Australian do will cost us a little more to arrange than the last two) I'll be shouting it from the rooftops, and asking you good people to do the same.