Bubble Brothers Spill the Beans

First, Champagne Blogging Wednesday, and now this!

The MD of Bubble Brothers, Billy Forrester, is going in to the studios of Cork Campus Radio, 97.4 FM, today, to record a programme in the series "Spill the Beans" presented by Brian Moore.

Brian will be hoping to get the low-down and the full S.P. &c. &c. on the mysteries of champagne - and frankly, who better to talk to than Billy?

Tune in, turn on, and bottoms up!

UPDATE - I do apologize if I misled anyone earlier - the show actually went out live today, Wednesday (CCR website referred to a previous schedule), but I'm waiting to hear from CCR about the possibility of a podcast, &c.

If you heard the show, please comment - I gather there was some good feedback immediately afterwards - but all observations welcome, as usual.

Technorati tags: champagne, radio, interview