Becoming knowledgeable on cork is incredibly important.

Those of us in the area are already aware of this, of course.

- Oh no, hold on a minute! whoa Nelly!

This is a Decanter article about the tree stuff you close bottles with, which refers you to a six-marker questionnaire on the topic. Probably more use as internet quizzes go than finding out what your name is in Romulan &c.

And if you take the test and don't do that well, you can always, like the American lady, excuse your poor result on the grounds of lifestyle choice: "I tend to be an alternative closures person"


I had a side dish of cork quiz with me sandwich today...

Julian, you got 56% correct. This was not enough to pass the certification course, but you are on your way. Please feel free to take the course again at any time. If you get stumped, contact us and we'll point you in the right direction.

We look forward to the day that we can include you on our list of certified cork experts. Best wishes and good luck!

Technorati tags: cork, questionnaire, Decanter